VAT Returns
For Companies, Contractors, Sole Traders & Partnerships (LLPs)

Monthly returns completed by your lead accountant.
Fully Making Tax Digital compliant VAT returns.
Representation in the event of a HMRC investigation.

What’s the process for completing your VAT returns?

  • We will send you a reminder: We'll let you know when your VAT returns are due by your Lead Accountant. Working in real time, this means they are always ready for you.
  • We will complete your VAT return: After your returns are completed, they’ll have one more audit by our Lead Accountant to ensure they are fully accurate for submission.
  • We will submit your VAT returns: Once we've received your approval, we'll submit your MTD compliant VAT return to HMRC. Job done!

Why choose "CAS" to complete your VAT returns?

  • Tax efficiency recommendations: Your lead accountant will assess if you are on the most beneficial VAT scheme for your business, and advise you to switch if it is more tax efficient for your business.
  • Making Tax Digital compliance: Our accounting software, Sage is a HMRC recognised supplier supporting MTD for VAT, your business will always be compliant with this new government initiative.
  • Free representation: As well as handling your VAT calculations and submissions, we’ll also act on your behalf if HMRC decide to investigate your previous affairs. We have had many clients coming to “CAS” for support when previous Accountants have let them down. We’ll be fighting your corner, helping you to win your case.

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